Friday, February 10, 2012

t anew.
I tried uploading pics of it last week, but I see that there is more to the process of uploading them from my phone. It's all ripped out and I am ready to star
rst attempt at a Fair Isle pattern. It wasn't successful but I learn from my mistakes.
This was in reference to the Sockstravaganza pattern I worked on during Superbowl Sunday. It is from the book, Brave New Knits by Julie Turjoman. It was my fi
No wonder that was so hard!!! Time to start ripping.
Hmmm...I just noticed that I used both the cable chart and the Fair Isle chart simultaneously when they were each supposed to be done separately.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My mom sent me this and I think its awesome. Watch this bunny herd sheep!